How to Avoid Water Pooling in Your Parking Lot

How to Avoid Water Pooling in Your Parking Lot


Water pooling in your parking lot is not only an eyesore but can also lead to unwanted accidents. Besides, water pooling can cause damage to the asphalt and reduce the lifespan of your parking lot. Luckily, there are ways you can avoid water pooling and maintain a clean, safe, and durable parking lot. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips that you can use to prevent water pooling in your parking lot.


Inspect your drainage systems

One of the main causes of water pooling in your parking lot is poor drainage, where water cannot flow freely. Checking your drainage systems, including the gutters, storm water drains, and downspouts, is crucial in ensuring they are functioning correctly. Ensure that they are free from debris, and the outflow is properly directed away from the parking lot. Consider installing a drainage system if you don't have one already.

Seal coat your parking lot

Sealcoating your parking lot can help prolong the lifespan of your pavement and prevent water from pooling. The sealant acts as a barrier between the pavement and the elements, including water, oil, and UV rays. Besides, seal coating gives your parking lot a polished appearance and makes it less susceptible to damage from weather and traffic.

Address low areas in your parking lot

Low areas in your parking lot are susceptible to water pooling, mainly if they are not correctly graded. Addressing low areas by installing a drain or elevating the surface can significantly reduce water pooling in your parking lot. Regularly check your parking lot for low areas, especially after a heavy rain.

Properly direct water runoff

Directing water runoff is another way to minimize water pooling. Consider the slope around your parking lot and direct water away from the building and towards drainage systems. Add a parking lot swale to help direct water runoff towards a drainage system. Swales are shallow channels designed to collect and transport surface water runoff, so it doesn't pool in your parking lot.

Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance is critical to preventing water pooling in your parking lot. Have a maintenance plan that includes regular inspection, cleaning, and repairs. Remove debris from your parking lot, including leaves and trash, as they can obstruct drainage systems. Regularly check your parking lot for cracks, potholes, and other signs of damage, and immediately address them before they become more significant issues.


Preventing water pooling in your parking lot is crucial in maintaining a clean, safe, and durable surface for your customers and employees. By inspecting your drainage systems, seal coating your parking lot, addressing low areas, directing water runoff, and regular maintenance, you can avoid water pooling and prolong the lifespan of your parking lot. Contact Custom Construction Paving for commercial paving services in Lake County to get a free quote today.

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