The Effects of Summer Heat on Asphalt Pavement

The Effects of Summer Heat on Asphalt Pavement


As the temperatures rise during the summer months, we all feel the heat. It's not just us humans who are affected by the hot weather, but also our roads and pavements. Asphalt pavement, in particular, is highly impacted by the sun's rays and extreme temperatures. In this blog post, we will discuss the effects summer heat has on asphalt pavement, and how these issues can be addressed to prevent damage to our roads.


High temperatures cause expansion and contraction of the pavement

One of the primary effects of summer heat on asphalt pavement is the expansion and contraction of the material due to changing temperatures. When temperatures rise, pavement expands, causing cracks and deformations. When the temperature drops, pavement contracts, causing further damage. This repeated cycle of expansion and contraction can lead to significant damage to the road and cause potholes, cracks, and other structural issues.

Oxidation of the pavement

As asphalt pavement is exposed to sunlight, it undergoes a process of oxidation. This process causes the pavement to become brittle and prone to cracking. Oxidation can also cause the pavement's color to fade, which can lead to a reduction in its reflective properties, making the pavement more difficult to see at night.

Moisture damage

Summer heat also increases the likelihood of moisture damage to asphalt pavement. When water seeps into pavement cracks, it can cause damage and weaken the surface, leading to more extensive damage over time. High temperatures can also cause the moisture within the pavement to expand and contract, leading to further cracking and degradation.

Rutting and deformation

High temperatures can soften the asphalt pavement, making it more susceptible to rutting and deformation. Heavy traffic combined with high temperatures can cause the pavement to deform, leaving ruts that can be dangerous for drivers.


To prevent the effects of summer heat on asphalt pavement, regular maintenance and sealcoating are essential. Fill in cracks and potholes as soon as they appear to prevent water from seeping into the pavement. Sealcoating can protect the surface of the pavement from the sun's rays and water damage, helping to extend its lifespan.



Asphalt pavement is a crucial component of our transportation infrastructure, and it's important to ensure that it remains in good condition. Summer heat can cause significant damage to asphalt pavement, including cracks, ruts, and deformation. Regular maintenance, such as sealcoating and filling in cracks, can prevent this damage and help extend the life of our roads. If you need asphalt paving services in Polk County, contact Custom Construction Paving today for a free quote and to learn more about how we can keep your pavement in top condition.

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